Sunday, 30 March 2014

A few updates for the bicycle!

A few changes to show on the bicycle since last time... (And better photos than usual because my brother lent me his fancy DSLR rather than my usual iphone method!)

To begin with here is a picture of the chain fitted onto the bicycle- making it rather more of a bicycle than it was previously!

Here is a picture of the new gorgeous delta cruiser tyres fitted on. I love the cream so much better than the black tires.

There is also a lightweight rack now fitted onto the bicycle which will hopefully one day be able to ferry around picnics whilst I go on rides. (In my wishful thinking at least!) I am still super happy about the brooks saddle! Looks so stunning on.

Here is a closeup of where my dad has tied the cables- looking a lot neater than when it was tied up with rags the other day. Just look at that gorgeous yellow!

Here is a photo of the whole thing- as it is looking so far! Kickstand can be seen to be doing a lovely job...

One last photo for luck! Showing off those gorgeous tyres and saddle!

We managed to find a chainguard on ebay, so here's hoping that it will arrive and fit nicely! It will then need to be sprayed yellow to match with the rest of the bicycle.

So another stage along here, my dad has some ideas in terms of making some hand grips- as the brooks ones at 50 odd pounds was rather too much.

We will see how they go.

Until next time!

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