Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Things are looking shiny.

Well, yesterday I undertook a tad bit of cleaning and a couple of the bicycle parts have cleaned up nicely. Namely the handlebars which have gone from a greasy rust spotted look to a rather nicer one.

Handlebar, Shiny, Raleigh, Bicycle

Here is a picture of the beauty! Certainly looks better without the cheap looking plastic handles. Luckily the rust spots were only on the surface so with a bit of wire wool and metal polish it has cleaned up nicely.

Spokes, Raleigh, Bicycle
Spokes from one of the wheels

Rim, Rusty, Bicycle, RaleighMy dad was dismantling the wheels meanwhile for me- although the spokes are in good condition with no rust and came out cleanly with no breakages the rims are not salvageable. They are rusty as anything!

Here is a picture of one of the rims- and one of the areas in a better condition, some of the parts were thick with rust.

I am going to get some new rims and my dad is going to show me how to rebuild the wheel with the hub etc.

Sturmey Archer, Hub, Raleigh, Bicycle

The hub is in good condition- looks to be a Sturmey Archer although I haven't yet worked out when it is from. It needs some cleaning up, but looks clean and non rusty underneath the rust.

Gear Shifter, Raleigh, Bicycle

The gear shifter also cleaned up very nicely- once again the rust spots seemed to largely be on the surface so with a bit of steel wool and metal polish they came straight off, leaving me with a nice shiny little piece of kit.

Given the amount of parts needed to do this bicycle up to the quality I would like wherever we can save a bit of money by polishing up or fixing an existing part is worth it!

I have ordered a few parts from an eBay store which seemed to have a lot of old unused stock for raleigh bicycles etc so will be posting up pictures of those when they arrive...

Oh and as a bonus picture; showing how although parts may have got cleaner my hands definitely did not!

Greasy, Dirty, Hand

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